Princess Cut Vs. Round Cut Diamonds - Which One Is The Best?

Zahid Adnan

Are you looking for the best diamond cut for your engagement/wedding ring? Do you need help choosing a suitable cut? No worries, you’re at the right spot. Diamonds have been an integral part of jewelry. These flawlessly bright and sparkly stones are all good to beautify your ornaments. Chiseled to perfection, diamonds come in two popular cuts: princess cut and round cut. The following description will help you learn the difference between a princess cut and round cut diamonds and help you choose the best for you.  Princess Cut Diamonds: Arpad Nagy, the jewelry artist in London, first fashioned the...

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Benefits of Wearing Opal Gemstone

Zahid Adnan

The word Opal is affiliated to the Sanskrit Upala, which means precious stone. Opal stone is an amorphous hydrated silica rock. The Opal is a unique gemstone. It manifests a higher hope and holy virtue. Opal Gemstones have a unique property of play of color. Due to this unusual property, it is usually used as the central stone in the jewelry of the highest quality. Opal gemstones have been linked with love, passion, and devotion. Opal gemstones are light-dancing gems. They foster feelings of balance and peace. The Opal is also about more deep spirituality. It is a sensual stone....

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October Birthstone Guide! All that One Needs to Know!

Zahid Adnan

What are Birthstones? Birthstones are associated with the birth months. Each stone has a unique value and purpose. Like horoscope signs, every month has its own birthstones. In antique times, it was often thought that birthstones were the symbol of wellness and good fortune. Birthstones are a part of modern society. Birthstones are primarily used in many pieces of jewelry, such as rings, bracelets, earrings, or necklaces. What is the Origin of Birthstones? In the fifth century, Christian scholars made the connection between the twelve zodiac signs, twelve months of the year, and the twelve gems of the Breastplate of...

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What is Opal? Some Interesting Facts About These Gemstones!

Zahid Adnan

Are there any gems that are more beautiful than opal? William Shakespeare's "Queen of Jewels" is one of the most beautiful stones ever discovered, and these were original opal stones characterized by their shimmering colors and wide shades. Its exciting history dates back thousands of years and takes us to the present day. Significant deposits of gemstones are still ongoing around the world. Here's a closer look at gemstones' history, healing properties, and some of the great stocks you can procure here at Angel Alchemy. We hope you will enjoy this short opal story; let's get started. Is Opal a...

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Difference Between Precious And Semi-Precious Stones- What Gemologists Say

Zahid Adnan

Gemstones are naturally occurring refined and polished pieces of jewels frequently used to embellish metals in jewelry production. Numerous gemstones are found in the different layers of the Earth's crust or underwater. Gems are mineral crystals, organic materials, or hard rocks, which is why some stones are often referred to as hard stones. Some gemologists classify gems based on hardness despite many criteria upon which stones are now categorized. You might have heard the terms precious and semi-precious stones. The following description explains how jewelry makers classify gems and the difference between precious and semi-precious stones. Classification Criterion: Ancient Greeks...

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Types of Rings for Relationships- Styles, Stages, and Gestures

Zahid Adnan

Relationships are meant to celebrate since love and compassion require expression, and gifts are the best way to express your emotions. Amongst many meaningful presents, rings are the most precious and ornamental means to utter your abstract feelings. In literature, the circular structure of a ring depicts an unbroken and never-ending affection between partners. Moreover, this wearable gift helps companions remember their promises and commitments. Then why not choose rings to commemorate every twee event of your life together? Different rings have unique meanings, styles, and ways to wear them according to a particular cultural tradition. The following description of...

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